[iV] Artsariiv Fractal Bounty 45s | Soulbeast PoV

Log: Submission for the CM section of the dT fractal bounty competition. Playing Soulbeast instead of Renegade because of the fairly short timeframe of good instabilities in combination with 5/5 attendance. We figured we’d stick to the roles we know best. Bringing 3 Dragonhunters and relying on bane signets to break the last few adds resulted it a significant time loss, so we decided to go back to ol’ reliable RGB. The 2 Soulbeasts provided incredible cc potential along with One Wolf Pack for both phase 2 and 3. Thanks to said cc potential, we didn’t need bane signets to break any of the second split clones, resulting in a quite significant time gain. other points of view Magic | Dragonhunter - Pineapple | Renegade - Delay | Soulbeast -
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