OneDip - Balloon Painting

Painting a beautiful picture with the onedip balloon technique. This painting method is completely new, you will not guess what I can paint with it, let yourself be surprised. As a small tool in addition to the balloon I still use a rubber tire. In this tire the paint stays in place and I can use the balloon in peace. I got the rubber tire from the hardware store, it is from a spare wheel for transport carts. I hope you like the idea and the result and am happy as always about a nice comment from you. Have fun trying it out and paint it yourself! Creative greetings Tiktus --- - Dilute Acrylic for Painting, step by step: - I use a turntable, similar to this one |I have glued a thin wooden plate over it|: - (advertising *) - You want your pictures to shine so beautifully after drying, then seal them with epoxy resin: - (advertising *) #abstractpourpai
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