SWI.T (스위티) - I’ll Be There (MV)

~HD (Bou Enhanced)~. On KM. (2002) So if any of you remember, I had this uploaded on my Bou819 account. But I had to edit it a lot because the original audio was out of sync badly. xD But now that I got me some good programs to edit, this time it has the original audio, and it’s in sync. Plus this time I am bringing it to you all in Enhanced HD. So for those who don’t know, Swi.T was YG Ent.’s first girl group ever, and had member’s Ahn Nai Young, Sung Mi Hyun, & of course the lovely Lee Eun Ju. Their group name Swi.T stands for Songs Will Tell. They were pretty popular back then, but the ...group broke up due to family problems, and one of them moving to the U.S. Leaving only Eun Ju, and of course she stayed in YG, and later in 2006 came back as part of the group Moo Ga Dang along with, Song Baek Kyung from 1TYM, Prhyme from Soul Food, and Kim Woo Geun from Bounce. So yeah that’s basically it, Eun Ju has been featured in some songs from other YG artists, like for Big Bang’s song “Shake It“ back in their 2007 album, and also for Ji Eun’s “선택“ song from her 1st Album ’Rain’. With Moo Ga Dang they released “Play, Just Play“ in 2006, and “OAO“ in 2007, which supposedly was going to be Big Bang’s song, but Baek Kyung stole it or something, but playfully I guess. xD & that was basically it, they never released anything else. Swi.T released only one album, but had many songs, another good song of theirs is “On & On“. Alright I think that pretty much says things about Eun Ju, and a bit about Swi.T. I will be re-uploading a lot of my old school K-Pop vids, Plus more, and I will be bringing most in HD. ;) Enjoy & Comment! =D SUBSCRIBE ~*Rate*~
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