Homo Luzonensis: New Pygmy Homonid found! Callao Cave 2019 New info

In the North of Luzon ( large island of the Phillipines) a new, pygmy form of Homonid has been found, not related directly to Homo Floresencis, known as “ the Hobbit“ for its Dimuative size, and some bone structures seem to relate to early Austalopithiscenes, as well as some more morent traits mixed in, much closer to a chimp than a modern man... strange these homonids are seen on a seperated Islands, that dont get a landbridge at the Ice Age Maximum as others do, leading one to believe there were also a form of boats that go back to this time... for it is still unknown how Australian aboriginies arrived, and many other sites, like these islands that show early Homonid digression... LIKE SHARE SUB ME!!!
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