You can listen to the album here:
“Voice of India“ is a track in the style of Chillout. Music with a unique flavor of Indian motives created with the help of ethnic instruments and modern technologies from the composer Igor Gorelov!
In this composition you will find very atmospheric sounds combined with stunning colorful vocals, you will completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of India!✌💖💖💖
Cynosure - Voice of India.
Style: Chillout, Relax Music.
Music author: Igor Gorelov. 2021.
Arrangement of the composition: Igor Gorelov. 2021.
Mastering: Sulamita Music. 2021.
Foto art author: I
...gor Gorelov. 2024.
Video Editing And Graphics: Igor Gorelov. 2024.
More information about me here:
☀️ Relevant hashtags:
#VoiceofIndia, #Cynosure, #CynosureNewAgeMusic, #newage, #ambient, #enigma, #newagemusic, #music,
© Copyright:
Music author: Igor Gorelov. 2021.
Arrangement of the composition: Igor Gorelov. 2021.
Foto art author: Igor Gorelov. 2024.
Video Editing And Graphics: Igor Gorelov. 2024.
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