I’m not responsible for people who may use addons to give themselves an unfair advantage in PvP modes. This exploit can and will be used until it gets fixed (if ever)
- GCFScape
- Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam
- Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools (can be found by enabling Tools in your library)
Short explanation:
1. Create a new folder in Left 4 Dead 2’s directory, name it something but make sure it has no spaces or special letters like ä, ü, ö, ß
2. Create a folder inside that folder called “pak01_dir“
3. Open any addons you want with GCFScape in “Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/addons/workshop“ and extract their contents (by drag&drop) into that pak01_dir folder.
Usually you shouldn’t copy over mod contents like scripts, ressources and missions as they won’t work on Official Servers.
4. After you have the contents of all addons you want in that folder, open another window and go to “Left 4 Dead2/bin“ and in there you should find a executable ““
5. Drag&Drop your pak01_dir folder on that and let the command prompt window do its thing. There should now be a .vpk file created that is now in the “Valve Pak File“ format so the engine can read and use it.
6. Go to “Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2“ and open the file, go to the bottom where all the Searchpaths are, it should look like this:
Game update
Game left4dead2_dlc3
Game left4dead2_dlc2
Game left4dead2_dlc1
Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game hl2
Add a new search path and put in the name of the mod folder you created, should now look something like this:
Game update
Game left4dead2_dlc3
Game left4dead2_dlc2
Game left4dead2_dlc1
Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game hl2
7. Save the file
Now open L4D2, join a public versus mode and it should work perfectly! Leave a comment down below if you have any issues I will try to respond ASAP thank you!
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