PRANAYAM ( Breathing Exercises) from YOGA WITH DIVYA
200 hours YOGA TEACHER TRAINING India,Goa,Dharamsala,Rishikesh Learn some of Pranayama ( Breathing Exercises ) by Divya and in India millions of people are getting benefits from Pranayam and cured many diseases like Diabetes ,asthma, digestive problems, constipation, blood pressure,,metabolic system etc. It also helps to go deeper in to meditation because our mind, thoughts and emotions are related with breath so when we change pattern of breath then mind also changes so Pranayam is beneficial for both body
4 months ago 00:17:24 1
Секрет правильного дыхания. Управление энергией. Медитация на Звук и Свет
4 months ago 00:00:14 1
Дыхание для успокоения, расслабления и хорошего сна. Занятия по йоге на канале #йога #пранаяма
4 months ago 00:03:34 1
Ладожский йога ретрит / Илья Журавлев / 26-27 октября
4 months ago 00:00:20 1
Дышите 5 - 7 минут. Здоровые лёгкие - залог здоровья 🙏 Занятия по йоге на канале #йога #пранаяма