【ENG SUB】心機女心生嫉妒聯合生母給女主酒裏下藥,並叫來倆混混狠狠羞辱,幸好霸道總裁及時出現阻止,並上演了一場瞞天過海的戲碼《成爲大佬掌中寶》全集 #女頻#甜寵#霸道總裁#灰姑娘#短劇#嬌妻

😊這裏是【看不夠短劇】頻道,本頻道將每日更新女頻、甜寵、虐戀、霸道總裁等各種豐富題材的爽文短劇,敬請期待~~~ 喜歡本頻道内容的小夥伴記得訂閲關注喔♥ 😊 This is “never enough Short Drama“ channel, which will update daily on various rich themes such as female frequency, sweet pets, sadistic love, domineering CEO, and other cool short dramas~~~ Those who like the attributes of this channel should remember to subscribe and follow it ♥ Have a good day!
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