“The Kondratyev Quartet“ is a Moscow jazz ensemble of young musicians, that are ready for experiments. It’s a jazz of new generation. Their compositions thrive from a deep understanding of the music of the great masters of jazz and their own independent view of that. Live performances of the band will introduce you to a hot, expressive music and a powerful avalanche sound, influenced by the spirit of the 60’s. All musicians of the band are also working as sidemen in many different musical projects, but it is only in “Quartet“ we can really see their unique approach to contemporary jazz music, where each one of them can fully express their talent as a solo artist. The leader of the quintet is a composer and double bass player, Sergey Kondratyev. He is also the main author of the repertoire. But in improvisation music there is no one-sided authorship, and every musician contributes a particle to each composition.
“Квартет Сергея Кондратьева“ - это московский джазовый ансамбль из плеяды молодых музыкантов, го
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