60 MIN LOW IMPACT WORKOUT | INTENSE Full Body | No Repeat | No Jumping | No Noise | Sweaty @ Home
Hey team #everydaywarrior !
Many of you were asking for another longer LOW IMPACT workout.
So, I thought exercising for an whole hour together, might be a great idea.
This workout is a 60 MIN total body workout with bodyweight only.
No noise, no jumping, so this workout is appartmentfriendly.
I promise, low in impact does NOT mean less intense and exhausting. I pushed myself through this workout - knowing that you guys are watching and training with me in front of your screen always pushes me. 😍👌🏼
Remember: we all are different and we all have different fitness levels, different strengths and weaknesses, also different genetics. So feel free to take more breaks if you need them.
Alright: LEGGO! 💥
This workout is much slower and more controlled in every movement. It combines strength and conditioning though.
Remember to maintain a proper form while doing every exercise. Don’t cheat on yourself and make sure to avoid insuries. 🤍
Workout details:
*duration: 60 MIN
*plus warm up
*plus cool down stretching
*equipment: only a mat, sth. to drink and a towel 😉😋
*60 different exercises, 50 sec ON, 10 sec OFF
👉🏼 my supplements: foodspring, get 15 % off = kaykayFSG
👉🏼 favorite post workout protein shake: COCOS CRISP 🥥
*subscribe my channel:
*Instagram: @fitness__kaykay
*for business inquireries: kathrin@
*Videocut: by filmsbymarcel 🙏🏼
Yours KayKay
D i s c l a i m e r:
This channel is for improvment of our fitness and health.💪🏼 Make sure to check your health with a professional medic before start exercising to avoid injury or are performing the fitness exercises without supervision, so you are performing on your own advice for you is to start with the simple (alternative exercises) and make sure to feel save before performing the advanced exercises. Fitness__KayKay will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.
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2 weeks ago 00:06:04 2
Специально к чаепитию для наших дам. Воздушный рулет с очень вкусным кремом. Brazo gitano con crema