Mischa Maisky plays Bach Cello Suite No. 4 in E-flat Major BWV 1010 (full)
Mischa Maisky plays Bach’s 4th Solo Cello Suite
Bach’s Cello Suite No.4 is considered as the most technically demanding of all.
The Suite No.4 in E-flat major is melancholy and profound, without the mood becoming truly threnody. In the first three suites, the cellist can actually play a relatively high number of open strings, giving a high resonance and allowing upper notes to sound freely. But here the sound is quite darker. The key of E-flat major involves three flats, meaning that the highest A string cannot usually be played as a separate string. Mischa Maisky recorded the complete cycle in 1986. The tone of the 4th suite is E-flat Major. Bach Works Catalog number is BWV 1010. (Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis)
00:00 Prelude
05:41 Allemande
10:00 Courante
13:55 Sarabande
18:42 Bourree
24:40 Gigue
Full version of Suite No.1 :
Full version of Suite No.2 :
Full version of Suite No.3 :
Full version of Suite No.4 :
Full version of Suite No.5 :
Full version of Suite No.6 :
Suite für violoncello solo Nr. 4
巴哈六首無伴奏大提琴組曲 4
마이스키 (Maisky)가 바흐의 첼로 4번 모음곡을 연주합니다
Netherlands Bach Society Version :
Yo-Yo Ma Version :
#Bach #Cello #Maisky #haji #hagi #ハジ
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