Fireball Whiskey (Treehouse Sessions) is taken from Angie McMahon’s record Light, Dark, Light Again - out now
Listen to Light, Dark, Light Again:
Filmed on Wurundjeri and Bunurong land at Treehouse Studio
Follow Angie McMahon:
Tiktok: @angie_mcmahon
Filming Credits:
Direct, DOP, Edit, Gaffer, Colour and Camera Opp - Nick Mckk
Camera Opp - Tom Dunphy
Recording Credits:
Engineered by Alex O’Gorman and Hamish Patrick
Mixed by Alex O’Gorman
Guitar - Jess Ellwood
Keys - Stella Farnan
Bass - Alex O’Gorman
Drums - Lachlan O’Kane
Lyrics: the armchair over there,
I can see a face in the upholstery,
I can get anxiety from an inanimate object,
an inanimate object, an inanimate object
and my backbone could’ve grown
but I think it’s turned to softness,
I think it is a problem
like food that’s going rotten
and you might say it’s okay to eat it
but then it makes you vomit,
I really hate to vomit
except the one time I drank too much
fireball whiskey cause I wanted you to kiss me
so I threw it up, washed my mouth
and sat back out on the couch with you,
sat back out on the couch
I planted my feet
and my hands were reaching back for you,
now everywhere I step into
I’m thinking about you fondly, thinking about you fondly, thinking about you fondly
this morning, I didn’t want to get out of the shower but hot water runs out
and you have to carry on don’t you, close and move along don’t you, just like letting go of you,
I can’t believe I’m letting go of you
the one time I drank too much fireball whiskey, I wanted you to kiss me so
I threw it up, washed my mouth and sat back out on the couch
opened up and settled down,
learning what we were about,
got close enough to pull away,
begging all that joy to stay,
you were so warm, you were the womb,
I couldn’t stay, there was no room
I could love you anytime
I could love you anytime
I cry about you all the time
I could love you anytime
love you deep and love for life
love you deep and love for life…
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