INTRACRANIAL PUTREFACTION - Summoning Chaos (Full Album Stream - 2021)

Band: Intracranial Putrefaction Album: Summoning Chaos Type: Full-length Release Date: January 15th, 2021 Genre: Slamming Brutal Death Metal Country: Mexico (Culiacán, Sinaloa) Label: Amputated Vein Records Recorded, mixed and mastered by El Cuarto Productions Artwork by Dechristianize Art Logo and layout by Seyerot Logos Tracklist: 1. . 00:00 2. Krokodil Addicted Zombie 02:15 3. Violence 05:34 4. Necrofucker 09:06 5. Cryogenated Evil 11:42 6. Summoning Chaos 14:53 7. . 17:10 8. State Of Decay 22:15 9. Heartless Whore 24:51 10. D For Decapitate 27:43 11. Macabre Autopsy 31:31 12. Feel Th...e Hell 35:02
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