Blasphemy teacher: Silence in Batley & Spen shames Labour & Conservatives

“A bad result for Labour in Thursday’s by-election in Batley and Spen could represent the point of no return for Keir Starmer’s electoral prospects. This campaign has been racked with tension and chaos yet the two main candidates have shamefully managed to avoid what should have been the most evident issue in the campaign.“ Political commentator Emma Webb argues Labour and the Conservatives should be ashamed of their silence over the teacher in Batley who was forced into hiding over “blasphemy“. “Of the mammoth 16 candidates, both Labour’s Kim Leadbeater and the Conservative’s Ryan Stephenson have shied away from taking any meaningful stance on the disgraceful ongoing events in Batley. In March, a teacher at Batley Grammar School – who I won’t name for security reasons – showed a cartoon of Mohammed as part of a religious studies lesson on blasphemy. In the process, he taught the entire country a lesson – namely, that in modern Britain blasphemy can lose you your ca
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