1987-0115 Workshop on - Meditation with Shri Mataji
Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
Original talk:
So. Now what is the suggestion?
(Shri Mataji first rubs Her right thigh. Then She shows right thumb to people:)
Everyone. Still. So I would suggest put your right hand towards Me and left hand up. Right hand towards Me – and left hand up.
[Shri Mataji keeps right hand on Her lap and left hand up for some seconds. Then She starts blowing into the microphone twice.
After She has finished, some sort of wind noise is heard from the microphone. Shri Mataji smiles, yogis laugh]
Shri Mataji: (laughing) See – did you hear that?
Yogi: Yes…
[Shri Mataji blows again into the microphone then seems to say: “Just see”. Then She blows 5 times into the microphone. Then conversation in Hindi where Vishuddhi is mentioned.
Some Indian yogi says: “…right Vishuddhi…”. Then She starts shaking right hand towards the floor]
Shri Mataji: Just do it yourself.
Right Vishuddhi, right (thumb) (She shakes again right hand and blows on right thumb).
[She blows again into the microphone seven times, then shakes again right hand towards the floor, and rubs Her right hand with left hand. Then She blows several times on Her right thumb]
Shri Mataji: I think put your left hand on your liver. [Shri Mataji puts Her right hand on Her liver and left hand forward with palm upwards.] Left hand on your liver.
[Then She shakes again right hand, She blows again on Her right thumb, then blows again into the microphone twice. Then blows again on right thumb, then into the microphone five times]
Now just watch Me without thinking. And forgive, forgive, forgive. Forgive everyone, forgive everyone. Best is to say once “Lord’s Prayer”.
Yogis: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Shri Mataji: May God bless you.
(Hindi… “music”…) (Shri Mataji touches Her bindi with right ring finger)
Forgive, forgive (She traces a cross several times near Her Agnya). Forgive.
… music.
Yogis: Can you arrange your music program, singing program?
Shri Mataji: Watch Me here. Put your attention to My red spot here.
It’s better.
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12 months ago 00:10:40 1
1987-0115 Workshop on - Meditation with Shri Mataji