Beebop Modeling in ZBrush - Anatomy, straps, bandolier, bullets, and more! Livestream 06/01/2021
View Past Livestreams here:
ZRemesh Finger Bones - 3:36
Panel Loops Finger Bones - 8:45
Transpose Smart Mask - 13:45
ZModeler Bracelet Clasp - 33:05
Dynamics for Wrinkles - 49:00
Anatomy - 54:14
DICOM viewer - 1:00:00
Zygote body - 1:02:12
Sculptris Pro Performance - 1:26:00
Bandolier Strap - 1:31:00
Topology Brush Strap - 1:34:45
Modeling Hands and Toes Separately and Merging - 1:46:38
Dynamesh Groups - 1:51:33
Bullet - 1:54:16
Nanomesh Bullet Bandolier - 1:59:47
Nanomesh Leather Loops Bandolier - 2:04:00
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