0:00 Introduction
3:09 Overview
5:07 Important message about Udemy reviews
6:16 Installation
18:41 Package manager
21:39 User input
29:47 Comments
35:49 Printing values
43:29 Overview
45:08 Variables
54:24 Scalar data types
59:50 String
1:07:55 Constant
1:09:23 Operators
1:14:33 Functions
1:24:38 Overview
1:25:17 Modules
1:31:23 Crates
1:39:16 Generating random numbers
1:44:57 Overview
1:46:52 Arrays
1:53:58 Vectors
2:00:20 Slices
2:07:12 Tuples
2:12:53 Structures
2:20:59 Enums
2:25:37 Generics
2:31:15 Overview
2:32:49 If statement
2:38:17 Match
2:45:17 Pattern matching
2:52:25 For loop
2:58:20 While loop
3:02:57 Overview
3:04:59 Functions and scope
3:11:40 Closures
3:17:52 Higher order functions
3:27:41 Macros
3:40:38 Overview
3:42:24 Traits
3:55:15 Trait generics
4:00:47 Returning traits
4:06:45 Adding traits to existing structures
4:10:52 Operator overloading
4:15:32 Static dispatch
4:21:30 Dynamic dispatch
4:24:27 Overview
4:26:32 Ownership
4:33:36 Borrowing
4:39:40 Lifetimes
4:48:31 Reference counted variables
4:54:39 Overview
4:56:24 Working with files
5:05:35 Error handling
5:15:56 Helper methods
5:18:36 operator
5:26:23 Overview
5:28:15 Threads
5:34:55 Channels
5:43:43 Mutex
Client server chat app\
5:50:56 Project intro
5:52:33 Server
6:06:05 Client
6:15:11 Testing the functionality
Build a snake game\
6:18:48 Project intro
6:20:40 Drawing the board
6:39:44 Drawing the food
6:44:31 Creating the snake
7:12:03 Game over
7:22:18 Project intro
7:27:36 Blockchain functionality
7:52:33 User menu
8:08:06 Running the code
8:13:00 Conclusion