Mridanga Beats - Dad dhene Nag - Rela Variations

In this video I play a few of my favourite Relas. At the end I play Hattuti 20. Here is the mantra for it: Hattuti 20 Ol III Ol III S - O Ol III Dhene dhene nag dhene dhene nag dhene dhene lll O OlIII O lll - O Ol III Ta g da ghi nag dhene dhene nag dhene dhene Ollll - / llll - Ollll - llll ●-llll Dhe re ti dhei - na kheta da ghi tere tere kheta tak terekheta dreged tere tere kheta tak terekheta dreged dreged dreged tere tere kheta tak terekheta ning tak terekheta ning tak terekheta ning tak terekheta ning tak terekheta jha kot ning tak terekheta ning tak ning tak jha kot ning tak terekheta ning tak ning tak To learn how to play mridanga, harmonium and kartals systematically contact us through our website YS Prahlad Das Facebook: Instagram: -If you are looking to purchase an Ahimsa (cruelty-free) mridanga, check out these videos. Purchase details can be found in the description: Example of the indestructible mridanga (Ahimsa leather) that can be purchased: Details in the description Example of the Madhura Mridanga (synthetic/Ahimsa/Vegan): Details in the description
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