Military advances in Tunisia (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit US, British, and French troops invade African village in tanks Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Closing-In Operations in Tunisia AFRICA: Tunisian Republic: EXT AFRICA. Views Korps tanks en masse on age AFRIKA KORPS. More ARIKA KORPS taken by U.S. RANGERS in lorry THALE area AMBULANCES Waff ambulance & stores AMERICAN MILITARY. Take Africa Corps prisoners in Tunisia GERMAN MILITARY. More Afrika Korp prisoners taken by in lorry Thala area LORRIES. Cross hastily constructed wooden br...idge over marshy land in Tunisia Army MILITARY BRITISH. Advance over wooden bridge on marshy Ben w. of Korps prisoners taken, in lor
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