US carriers in the Mediterranean are sitting targets

️ US carriers in the Mediterranean are “sitting targets“ “They are big fat sitting targets against the modern weaponry, such as anti-ship missiles and hypersonic missiles. So in this respect, they are not a real asset or rather liability against any major power... Especially Russia with its variety of hypersonic weapons of extremely long range. So in this particular case, those aircraft carriers and their carrier battle group, which usually comprises two or three “Aegis“ carrying destroyers, they are not really any more serious military asset except for their ’fear factor’, that of doing some stupid thing. They could be sunk or basically disabled, and that’s pretty much it,” Andrei Martyanov, military analyst, told the New Rules podcast. Watch the full episode of our show on Rumble Listen to more of Martyanov’s analysis in our podcast New Rules Catch us at , 1390AM (Washington DC) and , , 1140АМ (Kansas City) Источник: Sputnik International
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