Does SotFS have more cheap deaths than Vanilla DS2?

In his “Dark Souls 2 is a Good Game, and Scholar RUINED It!“ video @feebleking21 made a lot of questionable claims about the Scholar of the First Sin edition of DS2. In this video I will focus on ambushses and cheap deaths by pointing out that ambushes exist in both games, that they give better visual indications in Scholar where they are easier to prevent and to handle. He started with Scholar, so he already knew about most ambushes, which is why he didn’t pay attention to the fact that Vanilla gives much worse indications of upcoming danger. Intro 0:00 Earthen Peak Entrance 1:00 Some Ea...rthen Peak ambushes 1:43 Mytha 3:36 Poison urns 4:21 Huntsman’s Copse 5:00 The Mines 6:35 Scanning for traps 7:38 Learning to avoid danger 11:12
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