Bluestar’s Prophecy: Prologue

Please stop complaining about the “things on her back“/“magical powers“. I understand a lot of you don’t like that part. Please refrain from commenting further on it. Just don’t watch it. I’m no longer using the Okami influence, so go watch the new version. You’re beating a dead horse complaining about something that isn’t being done anymore. It won’t help me improve because I’m not doing it at all. . n . Wow, an internet card actually supplies sufficient internet connection. I was going to wait until I got home tomorrow afternoon, but since it’s finished, I’ll go ahead and upload. NOTE: The first two backgrounds are by SnowWolf100. Say thanks to her :3 No, I will not be voicing Goosefeather for the whole series, only that little snipit. I just wanted this stupid thing done. After a few weeks of straight work on it, I’m sick of it. Now to redo the opening. Yes. I am. I changed some of the designs, so I gotta redo. ************
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