Location Mechanicsburg, PA.
~ Condenser Microphone Cracks & Crunches
~ Quiet Face Paper & Quiet Office = ASMR
~ Mindfully Placed Ads ~ Relax
~ Chiropractic Sleep Time Remedy
~ Merch
Everything is Connected
And that is both comforting and satisfying
The satisfaction is easier to define. It’s an algebraic equation. Both sides of the equal sign balance out and completion stimulates the tingles
So if I’m meditating outside & notice a particular thought... and at that moment a hawk screeches from afar, then that particular thought can be assimilated to hawk medicine
Was the hawk flying towards the right, into the masculine, the giving, the light energy?
Or was it flying to the left, into the feminine, the receiving, the dark energy?
Is it flying in circles, riding the currents, swooping in for the kill, gazing from a branch?
It’s all revealing the energy behind that