Pastor JD lists just some of the signs and prophecies pointing to Who’s soon coming

Pastor JD lists just some of the signs and prophecies pointing to Who’s soon coming (spoiler alert: it’s not Santa Claus!). Invasion of Israel from the North by an alliance of nations - Ezekiel 38 Deception/earthquakes/wars increasing in frequency/intensity - Matthew 24:4-8, Luke 21:10-11 Worldwide cry for peace and security leading to sudden destruction - 1 Thessalonians 5:3 Intoxicating obsession with dividing Jerusalem (Two-State Solution) - Zechariah 12:1-3 Joel 3:2 Enforcing a 7-Year peace agreement with many (Israel’s destruction) - Daniel 9:27 Unprecedented increase of evil wickedness and lawlessness - Gen. 6:5, Luke 17:26-29 2 Thess. 2:3-10 Perilous times the likes of which the world has never before seen - 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Mocking of Bible prophecy-the pre-tribulation rapture/Lord’s return - 2 Peter 3 Forming of a one world religion, government, and economy - Revelation 13 Watch the full #Prophecy Update: #Jesus
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