Whats up Aquatic Plant People! This week’s short video is a montage of Ludwigia Pantanal. This plant is one of those “love at first sight“ plants. The colors and textures Pantanal brings is hard to match. It definitely is an aggressive grower and can grow quite large. Unless you have a GIANT tank, you will find yourself constantly trimming and pruning Pantanal. Bright lights, good fertilizer and co2 are a must to get the best out of Pantanal. Low pH and relatively low hardness also seems to be preferred by this plant. Once fully established you can increase the colors by starving this plant of nitrates while maintaining intense lighting and above-average co2 concentrations. As a lover of stem plants, Pantanal is legendary in my book. 💚🌱
Plants Featured:
rotala rotundifolia
rotala colorata
myrio filigree
ludwigia needle leaf
ludwigia pantanal
bacopa colorata
hygrophila pinnatifida
persecaria kawagoeanum
pogostemon Kimberly
limnophila aromatica
rotala nanjenshan
rotala bangladesh
ludwigia cuba
rotala macranda green
rotala macranda yellow
Fish Featured:
Plakat Betta (Black Samurai)