Massimo Introvigne calls for Apostates Investigated aftert Hamburg Tragedy
“hate speech against the Jehovah’s Witnesses may influence weak minds and even lead to violence and murder.... I would, however, suggest also investigating those who, by publicly slandering the Jehovah’s Witnesses and depicting them as an evil to be eradicated at all costs, might have slowly pushed the assassin’s fingers to pull the trigger.“ Massimo Introvigne
Massimo Introvigne have written several articles about former members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. He claim that those theat speak out agains their former religion are militant and harbor agression. Massimo Introvigne also claim that former member that does not speak negativly agains their former religion are trustworthy.
Massimo Introvigne and Cesnur are working on the assumption that the reason why some former member that do not speak out agains the Jehovah’s Witnesses, is that there are nothing negative to say against the Watchtower religion. ()
Not surprisingly Bryan Ronald Willson and Massimo Intorv
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