What Reptilians Do With Your DNA Why Aliens Need Genetic Code Of of 8 Billion PeopleSecond Coming

Why do they need your DNA? Why did they collect it from you in swab tests and more and more places require you to submit your genetic code to them? Now some government and civil companies working for military employers or law enforcement require you to submit DNA to get a job. All your DNA collected in the COVID swab test was analyzed because they are looking for something there that only one in a billion will have. Of course, it was also analyzed for the presence of antibodies to see if you have a virus. By the way, many conspirators say that a swab test cannot show the virus therefore it is not real. It’s real and the test shows not the virus because it’s too small to see but antibodies produced by your body’s immune response to the virus presence so, by all means, if you feel sick make a test, don’t give the virus to the people you love, the test are useful for that. By the way, rapid blood tests are more useful than swabs because rapid tests will give you results in minutes but you have to
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