Joker’s Brand New Product! Smylex

New and Improved JOKER products !With a NEW SECRET INGREDIENT.... Smylex .Now let’s go over to our Blind Taste Test .“ LOVE THAT JOKER “Uh Oh ,he don’t like happy. He’s been using BRAND Xssssssss. But with new and improved JOKER BRAND I get a Grin again and AGAIN .AWW.. UH ,UH ,UH, UH ,OOH !That Luscious Tan. Those Ruby Lips and Hair Color Soo Natural, only Your Undertaker knows for sure. HA HA HA HA! I know what you’re saying! WHERE can I get these Fine New Items? Well that’s THE GAG. Chances are, YOU BOUGHT EM ALREADY. HA HA HA HA! “Love that Joker!“ So Remember, put on a “HAPPY FACE!“ HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Joker as the ego destructive superego has all but killed the reptilian part of the brain and is now IN the second stages ;destroying the paleomammalian part of the brain ;audio visual communication - TV etc ... Joker is Art (at least for now )he rest in the conscious higher thinking intilligent part of the brain and is basically inside his own mind taking control of himself in a destructive way .. As Batman tries to fix it .. He promotes New and Improved JOKER products !With a NEW SECRET INGREDIENT.... Smylex .He’s promoting /warning the paleomammalian part of the brain (Via communication audio visual etc ).Poison is out there the only way for you to not be poisioned Is to not buy it ( be yourself /accept yourself).. Best to change ways and advance . If they can’t grow to higher level of thinking and find a way to fill them self up with more than external poison (internal vs external happiness ) Well then they are already part of a dying brain , at least go with smile(external) Now let’s go over to our Blind Taste Test .(Models that make a living selling beauty) “ LOVE THAT JOKER “ Uh Oh ,he don’t like happy. He’s been using BRAND Xssssssss. - The person tied down doesn’t appear externally happy (he is scared and angry like a reptile )but afterall hes not dead ... -Also Joker ,as the ego destructive superego ,reminds us how his method has already killed/gotten the reptilian brain under control(Shown in another scene) But with new and improved JOKER BRAND I get a Grin again and AGAIN .AWW.. UH ,UH ,UH, UH ,OOH ! Take it you and you will be happy that you will appear externally happy(dead )don’t take it and you will be happy to be alive either way he will grin at your happiness That Luscious Tan. Those Ruby Lips and Hair Color So Natural, only Your Undertaker knows for sure. Happiness by nature is through progression ,Cosmetics Tv etc is an artifical way to present nature as a means to gain primitive happiness thus unprogressive , your undertaker knows for sure (he refers to the internal he as himself knows your happy ) HA HA HA HA! I know what you’re saying! WHERE can I get these Fine New Items? Well that’s THE GAG. Chances are, YOU BOUGHT EM ALREADY. HA HA HA HA! It’s possible you already have them . Now you have chance to advance question yourself (his level ). “Love that Joker! “ So Remember, put on a “HAPPY FACE! Joker reminds them of the societal pressure to put on a happy face vs the internal choice to put on a happy face . Even Thinking about such choices -you advance and will put on happy face .. “ HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!“ Bruce Wayne shakes his head as the commercial is ending ... Because Joker is a part of him as much as Batman is ..Two sides of the same coin - chaos order dark destruction creation etc .. *Spoiler - The balloon scene emphasizes this point even further ..
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