Alteration HACK for Beginner Sewers! (How To Alter Your Pants) DIY with Orly Shani

Join me, Orly Shani, as I show you my favorite hack to alter my pants!! SHOP MY NEW MERCH! - Promo code - freeover50 (free shipping over $50) SHOP HANDMADE : Check out my latest videos: Subscribe: In this video I show you a super simple hack for altering pants that are either too big on you or not the right shape. It started with a pair of Army Surplus Cargo Pants which fit me great on top, but were a little too baggy on the bottom. I know baggy pants are in! But to me, these werent baggy ENOUGH... they were sort of in no man’s land. So I decided to taper them! I did the full DIY on IG stories which obviously expired. But I’m doing a ton more LIVE DIY’s on Stories so be sure to follow me there. INSTAGRAM: .
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