Dennis Chambers Hears Tool For The First Time

What if funk/fusion drummer Dennis Chambers was the drummer for Tool? (Don’t tell Danny Carey.) Dennis is known for his legendary backbeat and funky style. So of course we felt mischievous and we dared him to try playing “Schism”, one of Tool’s biggest songs. It’s full of odd time signatures, quick, complex changes and unexpected accents, and Dennis had never heard it before. But we didn’t ask him to learn the real drum parts: we wanted to see what he’d come up with on his own after hearing the song once. While you’ll hear the song with drums in this video, Dennis was actually listening to a drumless track. “This is not me,” he warned us as he listened through the track, but “in my younger days, this would’ve been up my alley!” How will Dennis Chambers not only learn a song he’s never heard before, but in a style he’s unfamiliar with – and in odd time, at that? Since the song doesn’t have a drum track, he listens for two things: the style and the time signature. Watch Dennis’ playthrough where he gives
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