Jim Keller - Mistakes

Album: By No Means | Official Website: | Listen & Download: Lyrics: Lined up like so many rusted out old cars Each with a story and history all its own The memories may have faded but the scars remain From all the mistakes I’ve made so far There was Genna down in Georgia Angeline in Tennessee And that sweet young thing in Austin That made a loser out of me There’s no escape, hell I’m just trying to crawl Away from the mistakes, I made so far Yeah, I’m magnetized to trouble, like a dog to a bone Falling prey to demons that I cannot control Yeah, sometimes I win a battle Yeah, but mostly I just fall Pick myself right back up to get tossed against the wall I’m not feeling sorry for myself, don’t get me wrong ’Cause I deserve what’s coming for all those things I done I’m just tired It’s time to move on From
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