1937 Baildon Yorkshire, British Romany Coronation, Xavier Petulengro

1937 Baildon Yorkshire, British Romany Coronation, Xavier Petulengro from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref BPA347. For commercial projects only. To order the clip clean and high res, or to find out more, visit . Available in HD. Subscribe for more high quality, rare and inspiring clips from our extensive archive of footage. Baildon Yorkshire EXT day. Roma gypsies parading through street for ceremony. HA Romany girls wearing traditional folk clothing parade through street as crowds of people watch. Crowning of Xavier Petulengro as King of the Gypsies. Romany Gypsy royal ceremony. Xavier Petulengro sat in chair surrounded by folk band. Man kneels before him and presents a horse’s bit. VO explains procedures of royal ceremony. Xavier Petulengro kneeling down as young woman places a large fabric crown upon his head. Royal coronation. Wide angle shot, gypsy ceremony, young children in traditional Roma costumes applauding. Kinolibrary is a commercial archive film agenc
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