Conures Try Lemon 🍋

Pickles & Scampi two of our Green Cheek Conures tried some lemon today. They liked it but weren’t quite sure about the sour taste after! As a quick FYI citrus is perfectly safe for parrots in moderation. Check out the channel for more cute shorts! 🐣 Check out my Amazon store for all kinds of parrot items as well as other goodies! *: 😎 Join my channel memberships club to get access to exclusive perks: 💙 Support my content and our flock via my Patreon and get access to exclusive content!: 🦜 Need help and advice on your bird’s behaviour, care and training? Get in touch with us at Best Behaved Birds for an affordable and bespoke consultation!: Website: 🛒 You can get lots of parrot goodies from our friends over at Northern Parrots *: My Instagram: My TikTok: @theparrotteacher Sophie’s Channel: The Birds’ Instagram: The Birds’ Channel: *Disclosure: This is an affiliate link, meaning at no cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The funds will go solely towards food, toys and vet bills for the birds! #pets #shorts #birds
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