SCP: 5K | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

It has been a while since we set foot in the halls of the SCP facilities and today we return to SCP 5K. This game combines tactical FPS action with the monsters and anomolies you know and love from regular SCP games. We covered this game about a year ago, but since then it has gotten various updates and has actually changed significantly. There is an entire new intro section where you and your friends already are dealing with the most famous SCP as you make your escape. Instead of handing out weapons to everyone, there is much more exploration and progress as you only find one or two weapons at the same time. In that regard it feels a bit more like a survival game as ammo, meds and other resources are more sporadic. Enemies have new models and there are even new monsters that have been added that include a plant that shoots poison darts at you and a new SCP entitity that resides in tv screens. Its such a great game concept where it combines realistic and tactical action with the paranormal. Because thi
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