「古川本舗 」 月光食堂 / Moonlight Restaurant 【English Sub】

■ Song : 月光食堂 / Gekkou Shokudou / Moonlight Restaurant ■ Music : 古川本舗 / Furukawa Honpo ■ Vocals : acane_madder ■ Dir : Naohiro Yako (flapper3) ■ Illust : タマリ 中川尚 ■ Motion : Taiyo Yamamoto (flapper3) ■ Album : 『ガールフレンド・フロム・キョウト』/ Girlfriend From Kyoto Yeah I sort of translated this a while ago but then --- err --- there’re some mistakes in the previous translation (blame Fullkawa for his ambiguous lyrics and messed-up grammar and such /bricked). And one more reason: one does not simply let go of such a g
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