Moranbong Band full concert - New Year’s celebration 2013
모란봉악단 - 신년경축공연 2013년
Following the Party to the end (당을 따라 끝까지)
I am of course very happy to have the opportunity of making this concert available to all of you in the quality it deserves. But, without the efforts of the Canadian Michael Spavor I would not have been able to publish it at all. Since Dec. 10th, 2018 he is held captive in China accused of “acts against the state“. To be honest this seems highly unlikely and many believe he is detained because of the arrest in Canada of the Huawei chief of economy on Dec. 1st.
Michael Spavor runs a small business based in Dandong, China with the purpose of connecting the DPRK with the rest of the world, helping with both cultural and business matters. He has no large organization backing him but now relies solely on his family and friends for support. If you would like to thank him for letting you view this concert in better than DVD quality, there is a donation site here:
NOTE: This campaign was deleted by Gofundme themselves on for unknown reasons. Before it was taken down it had reached $15000.
NOTE 2: A new campaign (same URL) was initiated and is still online as of
The money goes to him personally (via his brother), hopefully helping him to restart after he is released.
More info on him here:
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Here, half a year after their debut and after six full concerts aired on national TV, the Moranbong Band had reached the level of “mega stars“ within the DPRK. For the first time in the country’s history there was a music group that had become genuine idols. Streets were reportedly all empty with the whole people lined up in front of TV’s watching their latest concert.
The Moranbong Band is to a great extent the product of Marshal Kim Jong-un himself. He did spend a lot of time doing on-the-spot guidance during their rehearsals, encouraging them to create a musical style that would be suitable to His new era of leadership.
If you so like this concert could actually be seen as a master five year plan for the whole country all the way up to 2018. After stating the foundation (National Anthem & Brilliant Fatherland) the lengthy medley ensures the continuation of the ideas of the former leader and His Songun policy, culminating with a fully working nuclear deterrent (Without a Break).
With all this achieved it’s time to focus on the well-being of the ordinary person (We love our burning life), reach out to the south (Nodul riverside is about an island in the Han river in central Seoul) and the rest of the world (World famous songs medley). As a side note, the song “When a child was born“ within the medley may perhaps be a secret homage to the first lady Ri Sol-ju herself from the band. Shortly before this concert (at which she was present) she actually gave birth to a child.
The unification process will restart from the agreements made in the June 15th 2000 joint declaration while trying to eliminate negative impacts from foreign powers (unification songs). And within the proposed confederation the north will keep its own system (Single-minded people). Everything enclosed by the “wish of good luck“ song “Let new year’s snow fall“.
Looking back five years, the rise of China was already an important factor but the change of power in both the US and South Korea could not be foreseen and just happened out of “good luck“. Maybe the time has now come to begin reducing foreign troops in the south to get real negotiations started. There are still many mountain passes to climb but when you hold hands it may not be so hard after all. And, never underestimate the power of the white magpie!
00:00 Intro
00:48 The National Anthem (애국가)
02:33 Brilliant Fatherland (빛나는 조국)
Text: Pak Se-yon (박세영)
Music: Ri Myon-sang (리면상) 1947
07:10 Let New Year’s snow fall (설눈아 내려라)
12:11 Medley in honor of the General (장군님을 우러러 부르는 노래련곡)
29:50 Tansume (단숨에)
36:32 We love to live our lives passionately (불타는 삶을 우린 사랑해)
39:13 Nodul Riverside (노들강변)
42:57 Medley of world famous songs (세계명곡묶음)
58:58 Paektu and Halla our Motherland (백두와 한나는 내 조국)
1:02:03 Our wish is unification (우리의 소원은 통일)
1:04:54 Unification June 15th (통일 )
1:07:03 Unification within our own nation (통일은 우리 민족끼리)
1:08:50 Single minded people (인민은 일편단심)
Music: U Jong-hui (우정희) 2012
Text: Ri Ji-song (리지성)
1:13:42 Let New Year’s snow fall (설눈아 내려라)
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