Latitudeº (Live Take ) // Elements, Rings, Three Sisters, Zvex Lo-Fi Junky

Live Performance based off of Haiku Nº 06 “Latitude“. Cold air has returned, time for some cozy beautiful noise. Patch Notes below... @annnannie - PATCH RUMORS - Bass / Chords ~ - RINGS // in Sympathetic String Chord Mode sending audio to Lo-Fi Junky. - Brightness and Damping Modulated by Voltage Block - Receiving pitch from Voltage Block Lead Voice ~ - STO // sine wave out processed by Clouds. - Receiving pitch from Voltage Block Clicks & Percussive Grains ~ - ELEMENTS // processed by Three Sisters Formant mode High and Centre inputs and outputs. - Receiving pitch from Voltage Block Voltage Block “The Brains“ ~ - Clocked by Intellijel Dixie II - Modulating sound sources and Three Sisters - Providing Pitch - Using steps 1-8 as a preset keyboard Make Noise Rosie in the Output Stage
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