Gloucestershire NHS perjury imminent

Very naughty how they’re lying to conceal an extremely inadequate standard of ‘care’. The cross examinations will be extremely ’enlightening’ and much of what they falsely allege in court will be perjury. Contrary to belief, the intention of our FB page is not to stereotype or stigmatise the many dedicated care professionals that are committed to delivering and maintaining excellent standards. We encourage positive comments and reviews in relation to care, providers, care homes, Social Care professionals, Local authority and employees of such but we will vigorously seek to expose a contradiction to a duty of care. Our objectives are to: 1). Encourage attainment of fair and decent standards of care, treatment and dignity. 2). Recognise and applaud high standards of care, the efforts made to achieve, deliver and maintain those high standards of care. 3). Expose neglect of dut
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