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performed by Lucy Shelton & Da Capo Chamber Players
Pierrot lunaire, by Arnold Schoenberg (1912)
uploaded with permission from Belmont Music Publishers and Bridge Records
Belmont Music Publishers @
Purchase score @
Bridge Records @
Purchase CD [Bridge 9032] @
0:00 Mondestrunken / Moondrunk
01:41 Colombine / Columbine
03:21 Der Dandy / The dandy
04:51 Eine blasse Wäscherin / A pallid laundrymaid
06:06 Valse de Chopin / Waltz of Chopin
07:24 Madonna
09:53 Der kranke Mond / The sick moon
12:39 Nacht (Passacaglia) / Ni
14:49 Gebet an Pierrot / Prayer to Pierrot
15:56 Raub / Theft
17:08 Rote Messe / Red mass
19:07 Galgenlied / Gallows’ song
19:22 Enthauptung / Beheading
21:25 Die Kreuze / The crosses
23:43 Heimweh / Nostalgia
26:05 Gemeinheit / Mean trick
27:29 Parodie / Parody
28:54 Der Mondfleck / The moon fleck
29:45 Serenade
32:07 Heimfahrt / Journey home
34:07 O alter Duft / Oh ancient scent
「 Pierrot lunaire for speaking voice, piano, flute (alternating with piccolo), clarinet (alternating with bass clarinet), violin, (alternating with viola) and ’cello. 21 melodramas after Albert Giraud, translated by O. E. Hartleben.
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