C&C Mental Omega - Soviets #23 - Fatal Impact on Mental Difficulty

Playthrough of Mental Omega Soviet mission #23 - Fatal Impact on Mental Difficulty. Stand by for Volkov-fall. Soviet forces are marching towards Moscov, where Yuri is hiding. The Psychic Amplifier located here remains a threat, and unusual way of destroying it is planned - through effort of Engineers, combined Chinese Tech and Shuttles taken from Epsilon Moon base, we managed to create makeshift payloads - we will use them to destroy the frontal guard and with it the Amplifier. However, it appears that Yuri got his hands on the old Allied Gladius System and retrofitted it to intercept even lesser projectiles. They must be destroyed, and you need to do this with limited time window - Payloads will be deployed from orbiting satellite, and it can remain above Moscov for so long. Time to make haste. This mission is HARD. There are a lot of roadblocks that you need to go through - hopefully you are good at multitasking. My commentary turned absolutely gibberish at some point i guess - sorry about that. V
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