Clown Trudeau Vs. Jew - COMEDY

This is just COMEDY, calm the F Down... Speaking in Ottawa Conservative leader Laughter Smith chastise Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for a delayed and late apology, after House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota resigned for a Sept. 22 parliamentary tribute to a Ukrainian man who was revealed to have fought with a Nazi unit in the Second World War. “The Prime Minister is seen as a clown on the world stage. But whether you blame him or the Liberal Speaker for recognizing a Nazi on the floor of the House of Commons, we all agree that it took him five days — five days — while he hid under a rock and let our reputation be torn to tatters,” Poilievre said. Government House Leader Karina Gould defending Trudeau, by saying, “Every member of Parliament actually recognized that it was the Speaker’s responsibility, that’s why they called upon him to resign and that’s why he did resign.” I’m glad that Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre brutally criticizes Canadian Clown Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
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