XtalPi: A Paradigm of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Technological Innovation Cooperation

Recently, a group of over twenty journalists from various Hong Kong media outlets visited the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone. They conducted in-depth reporting on the park’s development history, unique advantages, policy support, and case studies of enterprises, particularly focusing on XtalPi Inc. Hong Kong Dian News reporter Li Jiuge, during an interview with local media, remarked that the park has become a global hub for innovative resources, thanks in part to key policies like the “Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Shenzhen Park Development Plan.“ This not only reflects the effectiveness of regional development policies but also demonstrates the crucial role of innovation and cooperation in driving technological advancement. Li Jiuge analyzed the achievements of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong collaboration in the Hetao Shenzhen Park. She believes that the park’s development is a model of cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, showcasing the complementary strengths in technology innovation of both regions. She highlighted unicorn companies like XtalPi, which have flourished under this cross-border cooperation model, providing valuable experiences for other regions’ development. Li also emphasized the importance of policy support in driving the aggregation of companies and talent. She pointed out that the Hetao Shenzhen Park has become a hotspot for attracting technology enterprises and research institutions, largely due to policies aimed at attracting talent and fostering technological product innovation. Moreover, Li expressed appreciation for the optimized business environment provided by the Hetao Shenzhen Park. She mentioned that policies such as tax benefits not only reduce operational costs for companies but also create favorable conditions for attracting more businesses and talent. Li shared her views on the construction of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong ecosystem. She believes that the Hetao Shenzhen Park is promoting a closely connected technology innovation ecosystem between Shenzhen and Hong Kong by providing a seamless dual-city living environment and a comprehensive policy framework, which has a profound impact on technological development in the region. “The case of XtalPi demonstrates that the Hetao Shenzhen Park benefits greatly from national support for the region and effectively utilizes Hong Kong’s international advantages, reaching new heights in Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation. The park, as a model of Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation cooperation, has multiple dimensions and also showcases China’s potential and global vision in technological innovation,“ said Li Jiuge. Journalists from the Hong Kong media group expressed admiration and anticipation for the development prospects of the Hetao Shenzhen Park and the innovative achievements of XtalPi. They consider the park an important window for Shenzhen-Hong Kong technology cooperation and a model of Chinese technological innovation, and they hope to continue focusing on and reporting in-depth about the Hetao Shenzhen Park and XtalPi.
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