
农历7月以后,胭脂果就开始成熟了,高高的树枝上挂满了红彤彤的果子,我去隔壁奶奶家要了一些回来,泡了酒,做了冰棒,熬了果酱,胭脂果特殊的酸香,总让人胃口大开! The rouge fruits are starting to ripe after the Lunar July, with plenty of red fruits hanging on the high branches. I picked some rouge fruits from my neighbor’s house and made some wine, ice pops and jam. The special sourness of the rouge fruits is always refreshing and appetizing! 我的Instagram也开张啦!▶ 按赞滇西小哥Facebook粉丝专页 ▶ 订阅滇西小哥YouTube频道 ▶ #滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子。
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