XXVII Vispārējo latviešu Dziesmu un Deju svētku noslēguma koncerts "Kopā Augšup" Mežaparka estrādē

XXVII NATIONWIDE LATVIAN SONG AND XVII DANCE FESTIVAL Today is a big day for song… We will hear fanfares and fly the 1873 and 2023 Song Festival flags. They are separated and united by 150 years. But the feelings remain unchanged: pride in our people, country, traditions. Joy that — through the complicated twists and turns of our history — song, dance and music have been the things that have united and bonded our people. The Song and Dance Festival is an unforgettable amateur art phenomenon with one and a half centuries of traditions! SVĒTKU FANFARAS (2023) PŪT, VĒJIŅI (1973) AČIKOPS (1883) PĀRI LAIKIEM (2021) SAULE, SAULE, MĒNESTIŅ’ (2022) DIEVS, SVĒTĪ LATVIJU! (1872) DZIESMAI ŠODIEN LIELA DIENA (1947) RĪTA GAISMĀ (2003) MANA DZIESMA (1980) AR DZIESMU DZĪVĪBĀ (1979) CIĀNAS BĒRNI (1905) SAVĀ TAUTĀ (1990) DZIESMA DZIMTENEI (1978) BEVERĪNAS
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