“Apocalypto Remix“ (Yellow Vests Amsterdam) (Gilets Jaunes, Gelb-Westen, Gele Hesjes)

We, the people, we are on the ball. We are starting to turn the tide. Yet, we have zero results, so far that is. -^-^- They, the elite, they are satans. Always have been... All elite’s are evil, the question is to what extend.. The best elite is no elite. -^-^- In most of the EU, for example France and the Benelux, it’s the people versus the EU scum. They, the EU scum, they attack us with everything they have. Corrupt politicians, MSM idiots, the bad cops, whateverrrr... -^-^- Yet not the very few good politicians, not the very few OK people in the MSM and, in the Netherlands that is, plenty of cops who told their employer... “Attack peacefull people is not what I singed up for, count me out on this one....” They, the elite in The Netherlands, are under pressure now, from many sides, yet, they are not done yet. Not even close. We need more people on the streets. We need to lock them up. -^-^- Amazing fact: the Dutch protest-movement is a mash, yet, it’s on the ball anyway. No one gets it, yet, it’s true. O
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