🥁 Four HI HAT drum fills for a BEGINNER drummer. Full tutorial with practice guide and notation

👉👉 Before getting into the video description, if you need help with learning to READ and COUNT drumming sheet music, then get my FREE COURSE with the link below!! If you aren’t 100% confident with sheet music, then these 2 courses will be a massive help for videos like this one! ▶️ Here are four funky HI HAT DRUM FILLS for you to add to your repertoire! The hi hats are often under-used by the beginner drummer when playing fills and so this video gives you four SIMPLE and VERSATILE fills to get you started. Each of the fills are broken down, with notation and a full explanation of how ...to practice the fill before looking at how to apply it to a drum groove. ▶️ As always, when you are learning something new, remember to keep the TEMPO down until you are comfortable at the speed you are at. COUNT ALOUD before and during playing and keep notation in front of you to make sure what you’re playing is correct. I hope you got something out of this drum lesson! How did you go? Let me know in the COMMENTS! #drumlesson #drumlessons #drumming #drumlife #drumsdrumsdrums #drummersofinstagram #drums #drumstagram #drummer #drumfill #hihats
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