每个夏天一定要做的事情就是——吃青梅!Green plums丨Liziqi Channel

Liziqi Channel——每个夏天一定要做的事情就是—吃青梅 Green plums ripen so fast. The pea-size friuts days ago are round and full and almost turn yellow. There aren’t enough plums grown in my yard. And I get another basketful from the neighbor. Green plums wine, green plums dew, salted green plums, crisp plums, and preserved plums. Once a year, we won’t miss any of them! 前些日子还似豆大的青梅,转眼就快黄了。 院儿里这颗果子太少不够我折腾, 又去邻家要了一大筐。 青梅酒、青梅露、盐渍青梅、脆梅、梅子肉ӌ
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