Lowrider Fundraiser in Long Beach 02/24/2024 Alaniz Beatz
This Lowrider Fundraiser in Long Beach was brought to y’all by Old School Generations Car Club to help raise funds for Jose “Pun“ Luna who had recently passed on. The turnout was great and a lot of people came to show their respects and support for Jose. There was a little bit of everything to be seen here such as Chevy Impalas, G Body Lowriders, Lowrider Bombs, Viclas, Cadillac Lowriders, Lincoln Lowriders and mostly all on wire wheels. One highlight was a clean 1966 Impala which was driven by Raymond of Del Ray Classics. I was able to get a quick interview with Ray in which he broke down how his 66 got to it’s current state! Shout out to Ray and you can follow him on Instagram at delrayclassics to see the work that he does in making some of the cleanest custom rides!
The day started out cloudy but as the sun broke through, things began to warm up quickly so when I started taking video, the weather was perfect for video cuz you were able to see even more details in these beau
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Lowrider Fundraiser in Long Beach 02/24/2024 Alaniz Beatz
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Groupe Car Club Lowrider Car Show 10/08/2023 Alaniz Beatz