Gaza and the Power of Narratives with Ahmed Paul Keeler
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The current slaughter meted out on innocents in Gaza, fully supported Western Governments, is founded upon a bed of lies. It is said that the truth is the first casualty of war, yet in this war the truth is not hidden –the decapitated bodies, crushed skulls, emaciated children, the callous shelling of hungry souls as they clamour for flour – all of this is known to the world and there remains little doubt that what we are witnessing is truly horrific. Yet the Israeli counter-narrative looks to subvert this truth; these images they claim, however regrettable, are the result of such a heinous crime that they are necessary for rooting out the evil. The Gazan women and children are no more than collateral damage. I have argued that what the hypocritical West fails to see is that for every soul whose death they manufacture, the very edifice upon which they claim a moral high ground is crumbling.
My guest today, Ahmed Paul Keeler argues in a provocative and beautifully written piece that narratives matter. This is why millions are spent on spinning a story about the state of Israel and the traducing the claims of Palestinians. Today we take a forensic look at these narratives.
His powerful article is available on Jalal’s newsletter
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#thethinkingmuslimpodcast episode 141
00:00 Introduction
2:30 – Barbed Wire Control
7:10 – October 7th Final Stage
17:20 Charles Dickens
19:58 Power of narratives
22:14 Israel’s narrative
29:58 Indoctrination
31:27 Resistance
38:12 The three stages
41:05 Lord Montague
46:49 A shift in narrative ?
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