Karlsbader Reise 1939 - Volkswagen - KdF-Wagen

about this film Karlsbader Reise is a film co-financed by Deutsche Shell’s daughter Rhenania-Ossag. It is a mixture of car advertising, Heimatfilm, “good mood“ - and geographical educational film from the time of National Socialism. Place of action is the border region of Thuringia and Tschechien. Amazingly, there is no direct political Nazi propaganda. The film was made in 1939. The Second Worldwar was only months away. It might strike you that - although the film was shot in 1939 - no single Swastika or other Nazi symbol is visible. The Ministry of Propaganda under Joseph Goebbels controlled nearly every aspect of filmmaking in Germany at that time. It was Goebbels’ view that propaganda was not effective if it was explicit recognizable as such. He preferred propaganda packaged in, for example, romantic dramas and adventure films. One could consider Carlsbader Reise as subtile propaganda for the KdF savings program. After all the choice for the volkswagen featuring prominently in
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